
Where Are the Best Real Estate Prices in Sofia, Bulgaria?

The districts of Sofia are changing dynamically. Do you see the big picture? Do you know where the next districts will be, which will be the “new big thing”? If you have unlimited funds, you probably are not interested in future real estate price forecasts, then you may not be interested in the promising neighborhoods in Sofia, because you can simply afford to buy a home and garage in Lozenets, Iztok, Ivan Vazov, Beli BRezi, Gotse Delchev, etc.

And if you have serious investment funds, does this mean that the listed neighborhoods are the best choice for you? In some cases probably yes, or maybe not depends on your situation and goals.

How do you decide where to invest or where to buy a home, which can be also considered as an investment? Do you blindly trust relatives and friends? Do you make a decision based on feeling? How do you feel about making an informed decision that you do not doubt and that makes you feel good, you can sleep peacefully and be happy with it?

Take a look at a new residential project in Sofia with the best prices on the market at the moment


The Developing Districts of Sofia 

Where There Is Space, Where There Is Choice, Where It is a Good Deal

The subway (metro) map in Sofia is a sure signal of where the neighborhoods will become more attractive for living and investing.

The brief history of the metro in Sofia shows that the demand for real estate nearby always exceeds the areas without a metro. Real estate near the metro are more attractive and sought after, both for purchase and for rent, even in poor economic conditions. The speed of movement in the big city remains one of the most important factors when choosing a home, office, etc.

In the next image you can see the official Metro (subway) map of Sofia which will give you idea of where are the developing districts of Sofia.


What do you think about Druzhba?

If you are not familiar with the district of Druzhba and the development of Eastern Sofia, you may be surprised to learn that:

  • Druzhba is not a bad neighborhood, quite the opposite!  Luxury residential buildings are currently being built there (for example, the ARTEKS project, etc.).
  • Developed infrastructure and convenient transport – you can reach the center or other office areas conveniently and quickly by Metro.
  • Park and many playgrounds – you will not have to waste time traveling to have a walk with children or friends.
  • Schools and kindergartens – if you still don’t need them, sooner or later this will be a top priority.
  • Grocery chains and small neighborhood stores – your favorite stores are there and you won’t have to shop where you don’t like to.
  • And last but not least, one of the most significant reasons for the development of Druzhba besides the mero is the area for skyscrapers on the other side of blvd. Tsarigradsko Shosse – the tall office building Capital Fort, part of the business park – Sofia Capital City.

I assume that most of you are familiar with the new trends around the district, such as „Sofia Capital City“ – located on Tsarigradsko Shosse Blvd., opposite the „Inter Expo Center“.

The entire project for construction of a „business city“ with the highest buildings in Sofia, located on a plot of 57,000 sq.m.

The project is divided into several stages:

Stage 1 includes 3 buildings, „Capital Fort“ with an area of 80,000 sq.m.a 126-meter high office tower and a smaller 40-meter high office building are built and functioning as you read this. Capital Fort and the neighboring buildings (circled in yellow in the photo).

Stage 2: „Sky Fort“ with an area of 76,000 sq.m. – under construction (circled in green in the photo), representing a 49-story building with a height of 202 meters, where ~ 7000 employees are expected to work and 2000 visitors to be attracted per day.

The future construction of new office skyscrapers in this area are circled in green in the photo. Thus, the district is being formed as the largest office area in Sofia, which will attract people who will be looking for homes to buy and rent in the area. The crisis of 2008 actually led to the faster development of “Eastern Sofia” (for example, the Mladost 1-4 neighborhoods, Garitage Park and the new business centers), since the migration from the province to the capital in search of more opportunities accelerated and because „Eastern Sofia“ and Trakia Highway are the door and entrance for most of the young families living in Sofia.


A bit more information about district of Druzhba


The district is located in the eastern part of Sofia, near Tsarigradsko Shosse Blvd. and between Asen Yordanov Blvd., its extension Iskarsko Shosse Blvd., Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov Blvd., Brussels Blvd.


Druzhba is an old district of Sofia, which has a well-developed infrastructure and has good transport links with the central part of the city, as well as the peripheral by bus, tram and two metro stations. Also quick and easy access to Sofia Airport, along Brussels Blvd., as well as by metro.

For people considering the option of buying a property and living in Druzhba, the pros that you would find and that you can take advantage of there are:

  • Plenty spaces between apartment buildings with playgrounds, benches, recreational areas and Druzhba Park.
  • Another advantage are the schools and kindergartens located in the neighborhood, and also for those who would prefer other kindergartens or schools outside the neighborhood, as already mentioned in the above point, you have quite good access to the central part of the city or peripheral, where you could find other schools.


Market, real estate prices and forecasts

Why is the real estate market in Druzhba good and how could I take advantage?

Iskar residential complex: The prices for 1BR (one-bedroom) apartments are from € 39,000 to € 43,000Prices for 2BR (two-bedroom) apartment are from € 61.00 to € 68,000. Prices calculated per square meter (m2) are from € 730 to € 760 per m2.

Take a look at a new residential project in Sofia with the best prices on the market at the moment

The market in Druzhba at the moment: In the next two charts extracted from the most renowned real estate site in Bulgaria, Imot BG, you can see that the average price currently in Druzhba 1 for 1BR (one-bedroom apartment) is € 57,000 or € 946 / m2. The average price for 2BR (two-bedroom) apartment in Druzhba 1 is € 76,000 or € 863 / m2.

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