
Real Estate Prices in Sofia, Bulgaria

We will share with you how real estate prices in Sofia vary from district to district and from lower to higher quality of the buildings.

  • What are the prices of the new construction in Sofia by districts?
  • Is the price at which I am buying a property market or am I buying expensive?

As consultants in the field of real estate investments, our experience is expressed in the implementation of marketing and sales strategy for dozens of residential projects in the last 8 years, which gives us a clear vision of what is sought after and sold the fastest.

Regarding real estate price forecasts for the next 2-3 years: it is difficult to predict as the world of economics and finance becomes increasingly illogical. It is already certain that a crisis is occurring, but now it is different because real estate is not ballooned and is not the cause of this crisis, as in 2008. Central banks in the United States and Europe are „printing money“ in the form of incentives like never before, and this is leading to inflation – i.e. devaluation of money and reduction of its purchasing power. Thus investors from all over the world are preparing for the „winter“ and buying gold and silver – this is an alternative when there are no other promising investments, a way not to lose the value of their money, because this is what money on deposits in banks does, that is lose its value year after year. Real estate at good price is also an alternative because even if there is a drop in prices, it will be temporary, and historically real estate prices do not stop rising because they are a basic need, bring rental returns and also their price is indexed according to inflation. Let us not forget that crises also lead to more migration to large cities where there are more job opportunities. So the real estate in Sofia, which is at good price, remains a safe investment.

To be one step ahead of the rest, we have a team of professionals who monitor market trends, that is where and what is sold, at what prices, which property is suitable for living and which for investment.

In this article, you could look at a table of new construction real estate prices per square meter, which could be useful to you, to find out and know in which column you fall (whether you buy at market price or buy expensive), as well as whether the area you prefer would correspond to the budget you have planned (which you have), or just find out how new construction real estate prices in Sofia are going. Of course, these are average values ​​for the districts and here the average quality of construction for the respective district is taken into account.

District Lowest price Average price High price
Banishora  €                          950  €                       1,050  €                       1,200
Belite brezi  €                       1,100  €                       1,250  €                       1,400
Benkovski  €                          750  €                          800  €                          900
Borovo  €                       1,050  €                       1,200  €                       1,350
Boyana  €                          950  €                       1,100  €                       1,300
Buckston  €                       1,100  €                       1,200  €                       1,300
Vitosha  €                          900  €                       1,050  €                       1,200
Vrabnitsa 1  €                          750  €                          800  €                          850
Vrabnitsa 2  €                          750  €                          800  €                          850
Gevgeliyski  €                          900  €                          950  €                       1,000
Geo Milev  €                       1,100  €                       1,250  €                       1,400
Gorublyane  €                         800  €                          850  €                          900
Gotse Delchev  €                       1,300  €                       1,400  €                       1,500
Dianabad  €                       1,100  €                       1,250  €                       1,400
Doktorski pametnik  €                       2,100  €                      2,300  €                      2,600
Dragalevtsi  €                          850  €                       1,000  €                       1,200
Druzhba 1  €                          850  €                          950  €                       1,050
Druzhba 2  €                          900  €                       1,000  €                       1,100
Darvenitsa  €                       1,100  €                       1,200  €                       1,300
Zona B-18  €                          950  €                       1,050  €                       1,200
Zona B-19  €                          900  €                       1,000  €                       1,100
Zona B-5  €                          110  €                       1,200  €                       1,300
Ivan Vazov  €                       1,500  €                       1,650  €                       1,800
Izgrev  €                       1,300  €                       1,500  €                       1,700
Iztok  €                       1,300  €                       1,500  €                       1,700
Karpuzitsa  €                         800  €                          850  €                          900
Knyazhevo  €                         800  €                          850  €                          900
Krasna polyana 1  €                          850  €                          900  €                          950
Krasna polyana 2  €                          850  €                          900  €                          950
Krasna polyana 3  €                          850  €                          900  €                          950
Krasno selo  €                       1,200  €                       1,300  €                       1,400
Srastova vada  €                       1,150  €                       1,250  €                       1,500
Lagera  €                       1,150  €                       1,200  €                       1,250
Levski  €                          950  €                       1,050  €                       1,150
Levski V  €                          950  €                       1,050  €                       1,150
Levski G  €                          950  €                       1,050  €                       1,150
Lozenets  €                       1,400  €                       1,500  €                       1,600
Lyulin – Center  €                         800  €                          850  €                          900
Lyulin 1  €                          700  €                          750  €                          800
Lyulin 2  €                          700  €                          750  €                          800
Lyulin 3  €                          700  €                          750  €                          800
Lyulin 4  €                          700  €                          750  €                          800
Lyulin 5  €                          700  €                          750  €                          800
Lyulin 6  €                          750  €                          800  €                          850
Lyulin 7  €                          750  €                          800  €                          850
Lyulin 8  €                          750  €                          800  €                          850
Lyulin 9  €                         800  €                          850  €                          900
Lyulin 10  €                         800  €                          850  €                          900
Malinova Dolina  €                          900  €                       1,000  €                       1,100
Manastirski Livadi – Zapad  €                          950  €                       1,150  €                       1,300
Manastirski Livadi – Iztok  €                          900  €                       1,050  €                       1,200
Mladost 1  €                       1,100  €                       1,200  €                       1,500
Mladost 1A  €                       1,100  €                       1,200  €                       1,400
Mladost 2  €                       1,200  €                       1,250  €                       1,400
Mladost 3  €                       1,200  €                       1,250  €                       1,400
Mladost 4  €                       1,150  €                       1,250  €                       1,350
Musagenitsa  €                       1,300  €                       1,350  €                       1,400
Nadezhda 1  €                         800  €                          900  €                          950
Nadezhda 2  €                         800  €                          900  €                          950
Nadezhda 3  €                         800  €                          900  €                          950
Nadezhda 4  €                         800  €                          900  €                          950
Obelya  €                          750  €                          800  €                          900
Obelya 1  €                          750  €                          800  €                          900
Oborishte  €                       1,500  €                       1,700  €                       1,900
Ovcha kupel  €                          900  €                       1,000  €                       1,100
Ovcha kupel 1  €                          900  €                       1,000  €                       1,100
Ovcha kupel 2  €                          900  €                       1,000  €                       1,100
Orlandovtsi  €                          750  €                          800  €                          850
Pavlovo  €                          950  €                       1,100  €                       1,200
Poduyane  €                          900  €                       1,050  €                       1,150
Poligona  €                          950  €                       1,100  €                       1,200
Razsadnika  €                          900  €                          950  €                       1,050
Reduta  €                          950  €                       1,100  €                       1,300
Slatina  €                          850  €                       1,000  €                       1,200
Sveta Troitsa  €                      1,000  €                       1,150  €                       1,250
Svoboda  €                          750  €                          850  €                          950
Serdika  €                          850  €                          950  €                       1,050
Simeonovo  €                          950  €                       1,100  €                       1,250
Slaviya  €                          850  €                          950  €                       1,100
Strelbishte  €                       1,300  €                       1,400  €                       1,500
Studentski grad  €                          650  €                       1,100  €                       1,300
Suhata reka  €                          900  €                          950  €                       1,000
Tolstoy  €                          750  €                          800  €                          900
Triagalnika  €                         800  €                          850  €                          900
Fondovi zhilishta  €                          700  €                          800  €                          900
Hadzhi Dimitar  €                          950  €                       1,100  €                       1,300
Hipodruma  €                       1,100  €                       1,300  €                       1,500
Hladilnika  €                       1,200  €                       1,300  €                       1,500
Center  €                       1,200  €                       1,300  €                       1,400
Yavorov  €                       1,300  €                       1,500  €                       1,700


If you want to understand the Bulgarian property market,
Download this free Real Estate Investment Guide created by local experts.

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Disclaimer: Delta Analysis Foundation is a registered non-profit legal entity for carrying out public benefit activities. The materials published on the platform are for informational, educational and research purposes only in order to support the mission of the foundation and should not be perceived as specialized advice on real estate transactions. Delta Analytics Foundation is not responsible for the way you use the information contained on the site. Always turn to qualified professionals for financial, legal and other matters according to your specific circumstances and take action based on your informed choice.

real estate prices in Sofia, real estate prices in Sofia, real estate prices in Sofia, real estate prices in Sofia 

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